This is just a short post about Israel because it is so hot right now. In our scripted reality the current Israel has to be destroyed (most of all their temple) because Israel is only meant to exist AFTER their messiah has come. The other messiah was no good, you know, the one that died age 33, they don’t have a lot of nice things to say about that specific messiah but I’ll leave that subject for another post.
We are not here to talk about a messiah, no.. This is about the birth of Israel and who would have guessed;
Aaaah I see, 33 countries voted for and 13 against. What a coincidence the UN needs to have a 33 in their logo (plus 2 times 13 in the leaves).
As an interesting addition; the main opponent to Israel has always been Iran. Now take a look at their parliament building (Majlis);
The shape of a pyramid and 33 windows on the sloped side. Wink wink.
The New World Order, stamping their signs, symbols and numbers on everything they touch. It all reminds me of 911.
So people! Get ready for more warmongering, more despicable actions by Israel (mostly faked) and a shift in the western media suddenly condemning Israel in stronger and stronger terms. The objective is to have the Muslims fight the people in the west (and Israel) and they are going to do that with fake stabbings by ‘deranged’ Muslim (actors) while simultaneously deporting some of them, making the remainder more hateful and angry towards their host countries. Then, when tensions are highest, they are going to push the button and have society collapse. Empty supermarkets, no power, no fuel and so on. Who do think is going to thrive in a chaotic, lawless society?
I wonder if the ‘all out Muslim attack on Israel’ will be before, during or after these problems in the west. I think before, but let’s wait and see, interesting times ahead.
What do you think? Are we looking at a scripted reality, is there a divine influence or is it all just one big coincidence?
Definitely scripted ... but what's going to happen have no idea.
The plan according to elite jews: